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Welcome spirited Human


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I intend to build a global community of energy awareness. Such awareness encourages all to embrace the many facets of themselves in order to come into alignment and partner with  our Earth and each other to create a more tolerant, loving world. As we move into alignment and maturity as a species, each individual can tap into their own radiance and sources of empowerment, bringing a healthier sense of sexuality and spirituality within our culture. 



Your calm, loving patience and perspective is very much appreciated.

You have a gift for creating space, respect, trust and love, and I'm grateful you give me the opportunity to experience and share.



I want you to know that I have been experiencing lasting growth from our energy session. Although I realized this immediately, I thought my reflecting this to you some months later would make this point in a bigger way. I am grateful. The metaphor [you gave me] is a gem. It helped shift my energetic output and I no longer stress about getting through crowds. I also have been doing better in avoiding taking on stuff that is not mine, or discharging it when I do and setting better boundaries.

— MS. Q 

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