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Vision & Bio
Pamela aka "teenidakini"

I intend to build a global community of energy awareness. Such awareness encourages all to embrace the many facets of themselves in order to come into alignment and partner with  our Earth and each other to create a more tolerant, loving world. As we move into alignment and maturity as a species, each individual can tap into their own radiance and sources of empowerment, bringing a healthier sense of sexuality and spirituality within our culture. 



My specialties include the art and craft of relationship between the masculine and feminine, improving self-care and energetic awareness of the Self. I have been dedicated to my own personal growth for as long as I can remember- everything is a learning experience and I am eager to pass on what I have learned. Through teaching I continue to learn for myself and others. I am very grateful for the experience of being connected to God Goddess All There Is and to share these experiences with my brothers and sisters.





The awareness of our life force energy and our intention to authentically connect to the universe and live the pleasure-filled life we are meant to have.



Our bodies are our instruments which allow us to fully experience life. Energy is our first language and we have a multitude of conversations happening that we may not even have awareness about.


Learning our strengths is not enough- also being aware of where we are most challenged provides information to help us build new skills of nuturing and soothing self.




An invitation to trust the wisdom of the body over the chatter of the mind. When we allow our emotions to move as they should, it frees up our life force energy and creates more space for solutions to the challenges we face.



Private sessions



  • Energy reading/Assisting with Emotional and Energy Awareness

  • Emotional Release

  • Communication & Masculine/Feminine Relating

  • Sacred Sexuality/Tantric Breathing and Energy Circulating techniques (all sessions clothes on/hands off) 

  • Energy Balancing. I do not provide massage.



Contact teeni to schedule a private session

for individuals and couples

ClasseS, WorKshopS & Retreats

Learn, heal and grow with friends at events led by teeni. 


  • Energy Essentials

  • Remembering the Orphaned Heart

  • Reclaiming Sacred Space

  • Serving the Goddess

Check out the schedule for the latest events


Want to attend but can't make it in person?


Teeni teaches live classes and workshops online so you can attend in the comfort of your own home. 

Contact teeni for the latest online offerings

A Note from Teeni

We can only be our best selves when we are truly full of ourselves~ completely in our bodies, claiming our space on this earth~ while at the same time in partnership with the elements. We are at our best when we radiate clearly from our hearts, uncluttered from energy that is not ours. We establish the best intimacy when our boundaries are evident and strong, because we can then express what we need and do not need, and are able to succinctly hear the needs of others. From this place, not only is our body an instrument of power and pleasure but also one that can best serve the needs of the planet and humanity.

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